Producer, Director & Editor
Scott Beale
Executive Producer
Harriet Klass
Associate Producers
Jim Beale
David Klass
Eric Stachowski
Scott Beale
Christopher Nissley
Christopher Nissley
Christopher Nissley (video)
Eric Stachowski (film)
Sound Recordist
Scott Beale
Original Sound Score
Paul DuBois
Christopher Nissley
Brady Young
Sound Score Engineer
Hernan Cortez
Production Assistants
Fiona Asple
David Klass
Polina Grinbaum
Whitney Lake
Nanda Sonpatki
Film & Slide to Tape Transfer
Nanda Sonpatki
Interactive Motion Camera
Eric Rottenberg
Post Production Facility
Frame By Frame Productions
Stock Footage Archivist
Adam Goldstein
Computer Resources
David & Holly Klass
Production Catering
Alonso & Sidell Smith
Overall Support
Nanda Sonpatki
Special Thanks
Michael Ambroziak
Wendy Bardsley
David Beach
Michael Bell
Chris Butler
Cris Chater
Valerie Davidson
Greg Davis
Roy Diner
Paul DuBois
Waldo Esteva
Sean Frame
Frank Gordon-Quiroga
Gary, Holly & Aurora Graham
Polina Grinbaum
Tom Harkins
Peter Irwin
Mark Keresman
David & Holly Klass
Eric Kroll
Nicolai & Marion Larsen
Kim Leary
Ron Levaco
Stuart & Michelle Mangrum
Steve Mobia
Cale Peeples
Rob Rohr
Char Rohrer
Erik "Geekboy" Salmonson
Rozalyn Sigel
Alonso & Sidell Smith
Larry Smith
Gretchen Vogel
Brady Young
Allied Digital Technologies
San Francisco & Dallas
Artist Television Access
Coffee Achievers
College of San Mateo
East Bay Media Center
Epitome Film/Video
Film Arts Foundation
Independent Filmworks, Inc.
Marin 16
On Tape Productions
San Francisco Art Institute
San Francisco Cacophony Society
Stanford University
Van den Berg Foundation